Sunday, July 13, 2014

Music Time!

Hey everyone. I'm gonna talk about one of my faaaaavorite bands right meow, just because I can, (don't worry, I'll try to make it short and sweet) and that band is....

Fall Out Boy

*faint shriek*

I love FOB. Very much. They just... are awesome. Ahh. 

But there is one thing I must point out.

I think Fall Out Boy has the longest song titles to exist. Ever.

For example, they have a song that ACTUALLY has the title,
"I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)".

Don't believe me? YouTube that shit. It's there, I promise. And don't get me wrong, it's a great song. All of their songs are pretty fantastic. But it takes the cake for probably the longest title I think I've ever seen in my life.

But wait, there's more!

Wait for it...

"I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me"
Bam. Tell me that's not the most ridiculous thing you've ever read. That is literally the song name.

"I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)"
Making great summer memories, one body bag at a time.

And last but not least...

"Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"


I'm not even going to say anything other than that. Or that. Or that. Or that..

It's been a long night. We shall continue this sooner or later. For now, GOODNIGHT! :)


Friday, July 11, 2014


Well would you look at that. It's 6:45 a.m. and I have yet to go to bed. Lovely.

So I just wanted to say hello and see how people are doing because y'know, I care about that stuff. Hopefully all is well and dandy :) I don't have a super interesting blog topic right at the moment, but I just wanted to let people know I was still breathing. So, later, I will-OH I GOT IT I'LL TALK ABOUT FOURTH OF JULY OKAY GOT IT.

Seeee, all I had to do was... wait for that idea to pop into my head.

OKAY I'll fill ya in on that here soon :) With that, how was everyone's Fourth of July? (and if you don't celebrate it, how's your life been?)

Okie dokie, talk later folks!


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Good Morning Lovlies!



Tomorrow might be a liiiiittle more fun, but I'M STILL EXCITED FOR TODAY!

See, today is Pride day in Portland/Vancouver area. As is tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the parade. Tonight, however, I'M GONNA PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR, BABY!

I'm really excited. My summer is going to be ah-mayyyy-zang! :D I'm taking a road trip with 3 of my best friends to an amusement park sometime this summer, taking another road trip with a different bestie of mine to CALIFORNIA, BITCHES, so we can ride the kiddie rides at DISNEYLAAAAAAAND, and then maybe going to Colorado to see mine papaya (my dad), and seeing my sister in like two days and then there will be LOTS OF CAMPING AND BONFIRES IN BETWEEN AND I'M JUST SO PUMPED IT'S RIDONKULOUS.

What are your summer plans?! I'd love to share some excitement with someone!!!!! :D

That's all for now, because I have to wake up my uncle so we can get ready to slap some bitches and drop some britches.

BAHAHAHA. That was awesome. I came up with that all by myself XD No, but we do have to go get ready to party, so I will talk your ears off later. I get to go hang out with drag queens. Talk later! :)


(BTW I don't know if any of you guys have ever really seen me in the flesh, so I'm posting a picture down below if you're interested.)

Wearing my awesome new necklace :D

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I've come to a conclusion.

So I'm pretty sure cat owners are murderers of some kind.
Before you jump on the de-fense, let me explain.

I have two dogs and one cat, and have lived with more than that in my 16 years of living, and I must say, cats are real assholes.

I say this mainly because think of it like this...

Scenario: You tossed and turned in bed ALL NIGHT last night. Not having gotten a very good night's sleep, you woke up WAY later than you were wanting to. You rush around the house, end up with toothpaste on your shirt and spill your coffee on your brand new pants on your way to work or school. You get there, late, and get yelled at because your boss/principal is having a bad morning himself and doesn't need your shenanigans today. You continue on with your day, every little thing that goes on making you want to cry and break things. FINALLY, you get home. It's such a relief that you can finally come home and be by yourself and break down, maybe take a nap. But oh darn... The house is locked, you have no idea where your keys went, and it decided to start pouring rain. You look around, your first idea is to climb through the window. Not a bad idea, so you pop it open and jump on in. On the way through the window, your new pants snag on a nail right outside the window sill and they rip! Those pants were like thirty bucks, man! Well, now you're inside. Everything seems normal.. until you see your couch. Your cat had its way with it and now it looks like it should be the new Lady GaGa outfit. Completely torn to pieces! Your dog sits at your feet at smiles at you lovingly. wagging his tail. Rather than smiling at him and petting him, you start to pace around the house and yell. Meanwhile, the dog sits in the corner and waits for you to settle down while the cat, completely unaware and uncaring of the situation, sits on top of the shredded couch, sleeping, not having flinched. When you can hardly talk anymore, you plop down on what's left of the couch and start to cry. The dog runs over and begins to lick your face, knowing you've had a bad day, and lays his head on your lap. Where's the cat? Licking himself on the counter, waiting for you to serve his royal highness, of course. You snuggle up to your dog and release all of your worries on to him and he's glad to relieve you of that stress. You fall asleep, hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

Let's look at the cat, shall we? Cats really don't give a shit. They don't. You can yell and scream and they just brush it off as if you're a nonexistent being. I don't know about you, but for me, that makes me even madder! Not to mention, I feel like cats are ALWAYS silently judging us.. Just look at this guy.

But when you yell at a dog, they think they did something wrong, and they get this face like, "Man, I'm so sorry! I don't know what I did for you to yell at me, but I take full responsibility! Please, let me make it up to you somehow!" and they get that face... We aaaaall know that face... I don't even need to put a picture up to show you, but I'm going to anyway for emphasis!

Does he not look super depressed? :'( 

Look, I'm not really trying to say dogs are better than cats... You could easily switch the roles around and it would be possible. I'm just saying, I've never met a decent cat except for my own, and even she kinda sucks sometimes. But I still love her. This is just my point of view. Cats probably don't REALLY make you murderers, which brings me back to the point I was trying to make. 

Every cat I've ever met will just sit there and you can scream and yell at them forever. And I feel like cats are the little devils on your shoulder who encourage you to do bad things. "Oh, Tim stole your tape and you took the heat for it? LET'S SLIT HIS THROAT." While the dog is the little angel, and he's all like, "Hey, maybe we can settle this in a nicer manner. Why not go up to him and be like, Hey fellow human! I don't appreciate what you've done, can you not? Thanks!" 

Unless of course you have a mean dog and a cat, well you're pretty much guaranteed to be a serial killer.

Sorry this is such a random post.. I've had so much stress in my life lately, I needed something to do with myself before I go crazy! So that being said, thanks for reading today, folks. It means a bunch. And I don't mean to preach, but for those of you who have animals, hug them and squeeze them and love them, and make sure they know they're loved. Not saying they don't know, but... you know what I mean. My animals are my entire world, sometimes the only things I have are them, and I am so so grateful! 

But anyway, thanks again. I'll try to post again soooooon!<3


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Update: I'm really stupid.

I don't know how many times I've said, HEY I HAVE PEOPLE WHO READ MY BLOG FROM ACROSS THE WORLD and then completely ignored the fact they probably speak another language.. *facepalm* So very sorry, humans.

That being said, I added a translate button majiggy on the side over yonder --->

I also added a page count so you could see for yourself that there's people reading my stuff n stuff :D

ALSO. I thought about how I get websistes' blog posts' all the time through email so I thought, why not do the same? Well now you can subscribe to my blog to get emails whenever I post something right up here ^^^^^^

Thanks errbody. Let's see how this works! <3 I love your faces!


Question of the Day: Is it bad to be optimistic?

I think of myself as an optimistic person (or I try to be that way as often as I can), and I feel that people get irritated... Do people not like being happy? Because it feels that way. 

That song by Pharrell Williams called "Happy" is legitimately my theme song. (If you haven't heard it, click here)

This post might seem a little off topic from the title, just to warn you. 

I think the thing that bothers me the most about some people is when they put someone else down for what they love and what makes them happy... I see it all the time. 

"You like such and such band/artist? HAHAHA they're gaaaay." (NUMBER ONE THING I HEAR ALL THE FRICKN TIME.)

"Ew I can't believe you like him?" (Common high school comment)

"That's a stupid movie." 

"You're not REALLY friends with blahblah, are you?" (Another common high school comment)

"That brand sucks!"

"Don't you ever talk about anything besides that??" 

Funny story about that one... You ever meet those people who seem to only have one thing on their mind all the time? And they talk about it NONSTOP? Well, I know one. She's a sweet girl, honestly, but all she ever talks about is her nephew... I'm glad she loves him and everything but after a while, that was all that would come out of her mouth. It used to drive me crazy. It wasn't until I talked with my mom that I understood a different point of view. She enlightened me on the fact that maybe that's all she has that brings her happiness in her life... And I finally realized. If you knew her, you would understand. Her home life isn't the best, and.. well yeah. I won't say anything else.

There's SO many other things I could say.

The important thing is whether you realize it or not, whatever it may be, that could be the only thing that really brings joy to their life.

That's all for today, guys! Thanks for reading! KEEP SMILING :) 


Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Okie dokie. Welp, I just wanted to say, Happy Tuesday!

Oh well! How is everybody's Tuesday? Good great graaaaand.

I'm still trying out that lucid dreaming!! Getting closer, I believe!

So.. Where is everybody from? :) Oh, and person who keeps +1ing my stuff, PLEASE come forth. I'm more than happy to talk with you! That goes for everyone! ;D

My favorite color is blue, but you already knew that because I'm awesome. 

Typing feels so weird right now. And I don't wanna stop, because it feels really cool. Its like the keys are itty bitty octopus suction cups on my fingers, it is so cute!

I'm really cold.

I have an instagram! :D If you want you can go follow me. I'm 1 away from 40 followers!!! That's kind of awesome! My name is @tjayyluv :) Hope to see you there!

In other words. Yeahhh my stomach hurts. Talk soon!


Sunday, March 30, 2014

I'm beginning to think I have a stalker.

Okay, so I know this might sound petty, but I SHIT YOU NOT, not even 5 minutes after my post goes up, one of you 483 little shits +1 my post! Like, I don't even know what that means, but I'd like to know! XD I'd also like to know who it is! So talk to me, yo!!


I can't POSSIBLY be the ONLY blogger who suddenly disappears off the face of the Earth... Right?

So I was looking on Netflix.
There was a section that said "Because you watched American Horror Story"
And underneath, it had some options.
One of them was "My 600lb Life"
And I just don't know how to feel about that...

There's a feeling of laughing at the irony, and being sad for, well, people who live that lifestyle.

I'm gonna shut up before someone throws a brick at me.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hi Guys!

Online shopping can really be a let down sometimes...

"$3! AND it's half off?"
*click* *puts in checkout box*
"This is such an awesome buy!"
*gets to check out*
"SHIPPING AND HANDLING: $9.99+$2356.2345"

The funny thing is I had seen it before and forgot about it, and it got emailed to me for a second time and I was like, "Why didn't I check this out before hand?" And then I saw the price altogether and was like "OHH that's why!" *exits*

Seriously though, 12.99 for a bottle of SOAP. That's all it was!!

So.. Yeah.

Hey guess what!

I have a polyvore account! :D It's the closest thing I'll ever get to fashion designing, so I figured, what the hey. Follow me if you want to right here!

That's all I got right now.(: Talk soon!


Friday, March 28, 2014

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! *late post, terribly sorry*

GOOD AFTERNOON, EVERYONE! I thought I should just inform you that I have 480 PAGE VIEWS!!! That might not sound like that big of a deal, but

Having any page views at all is pretty awesome to me. But 480!? And I'm not even all that interesting!!!

Okay, that was a lie.(;

Anywhore, Happy Delicious Dinner Day, everyone! I love St. Patrick's Day because for whatever reason, this is the day that everyone makes corn beef and cabbage. And boy lemme tell ya, that is my FAAAAAVORITE. We even had it on my birthday!! Which was approximately a week and a half ago. :P But it was awesome! I had cake! CAMOUFLAGE CAKE! It was pink, but CAKE! :D

Just FYI, it is amazing and I definitely recommend 10/10

Alright, enough of that. Back to whatever I was talking about. 
Wait, that was still food... :P

Heeheehee. Until next time!


*sidenote: to make up for my lateness, I'm posting another post right meow. So sorry:(*

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I hate bugs.

Bugs disgust me. And they also annoy the shit out of me.

Chances are, you're thinking of this kind of bug, right?

Or this...

Well, I'm not. I'm talking about the worst kind....

Lemme tell ya, some people just don't know when to quit... JEEEEEEEEESUS.

On a nicer note, I watched "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" last night XD It was great. And then I watched Wilfred. It was fantastic. Sooo, my suggestion is you watch them. Allllrighty then.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One of Those Days

Tuesday... TUESDAY.
Oh how I hate Tuesdays.

Tuesdays and Thursdays -.-

It's just one of those days where you're like...

We all know what I'm talking about. We all have those days. Some more than others XD

On a positive note, I'm happy to say that I won T-Pain tickets last night.... It was by far the best Monday of my life. :D

Seeeeeeeeeee?! :D This is the poster!!!! WHOOOO!!!

Alrighty, well, I hope your guys' Tuesday/Wednesday (for those in another time zone across the world) goes well. :) I'll be back soon!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Some entertainment fo yo anuses.

Sorry, but I've been using the word anus a lot lately. :)

I'm watching a weird movie, and they're trying to put a condom on a banana and mom walked in and it was awkward...

Getting off track.

So I'm really into making music and I want to be a singer, yadda yadda, but there is this really cool site I wanted to tell you guys about :D

Tis' called..... INCREDIBOX.

Link here

It's this thing where you drag and drop different sound effects on these guys and it makes awesome beats and songs and melodies and harmonies and stuuuuff. And you should check it out!

Have fun! That's all I've got for today!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hello :D

Hey everyone. It's moi :3

How's everyone doing? It's been a while.

I just wanted to say that I'm still alive... :)

Hopefully I come up with a blog idea soon.

Tune in anywhere from now until the future XD


Saturday, January 18, 2014


It's probably not nearly as critical as you're thinking.. It's just a missing person from my LIFE, and I desperately need to find him.. It sounds dramatic, but he could change my life. He already has. INSANELY.

I met a guy in the summer of 2013.. about June, I believe, in Boise, Idaho. He had light brown/blonde hair, the whitest, most gorgeous smile I've ever seen, the laugh that could put a smile on ANYONE'S face, and he has these amazing eyes.. Last, most ironic, and most certainly not least, his name is Zach/Zac/Zack.

I really, really need to find him. I don't care who's reading this. Please help me :(




Okay, now that that's kinda out of the way, I have a few other things to talk about, so let's talk about some other things.

1) Happy 2014! I'm a few weeks late, sorry XD

2) Biebs is probably getting deported back to Canada for drug related shtuff such as text messages, and also nudey pictures.(x thought you'd all like to know. If you're wondering about the drugs, I beliebe its ecstasy. (see what I done did thurrr) Also, what is this I hear about him retiring? Is it true? I've heard that it is and it isn't. Who knows, anymore.

3) I've been fangirling over the most ridiculous things imaginable recently... I don't want to go into detail for fear of getting shot or something. (Okay if you really want to know, it'll be at the bottom of my post)


Aaaaaand that's all I remember right now. So, um. Seeing as it's almost 4:30 in the morning... I should probably go to bed, which is the last thing I ACTUALLY want to do, like usual, buuuuuut I forgot what else I was going to talk about. So. Yes.

Things I've been fangirling over:
  • Evan Peters
  • Pizza Hut. NOT Papa Johns, NOT Little Ceaser's, NOT Domino's, FREAKIN' PIZZA HUT.
  • Movies
  • Conor Maynard
  • Pretty much any guy who sings
  • Accents
  • Piercings/Tattoos (don't ask, I don't know why either)
  • ....T-Pain
  • .................Channing Tatum (see piercings/tattoos)
  • American Horror Story
  • Zac Efron?? . _ .
  • Zendaya... ;-;
  • Josh Peck
  • And one TEENY TINY ITTY BITTY LITTLE SCENE FROM A MUSIC VIDEO... but the bad thing about it is... *COUGHitsascenefromajustinbiebervideodontjudgemeicriedaboutthisforalongtimeCOUGH*
So... Yeah.



-Tori(: *P.S. I decided to start spelling my name with just an i again.*