Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One of Those Days

Tuesday... TUESDAY.
Oh how I hate Tuesdays.

Tuesdays and Thursdays -.-

It's just one of those days where you're like...

We all know what I'm talking about. We all have those days. Some more than others XD

On a positive note, I'm happy to say that I won T-Pain tickets last night.... It was by far the best Monday of my life. :D

Seeeeeeeeeee?! :D This is the poster!!!! WHOOOO!!!

Alrighty, well, I hope your guys' Tuesday/Wednesday (for those in another time zone across the world) goes well. :) I'll be back soon!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Some entertainment fo yo anuses.

Sorry, but I've been using the word anus a lot lately. :)

I'm watching a weird movie, and they're trying to put a condom on a banana and mom walked in and it was awkward...

Getting off track.

So I'm really into making music and I want to be a singer, yadda yadda, but there is this really cool site I wanted to tell you guys about :D

Tis' called..... INCREDIBOX.

Link here

It's this thing where you drag and drop different sound effects on these guys and it makes awesome beats and songs and melodies and harmonies and stuuuuff. And you should check it out!

Have fun! That's all I've got for today!


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hello :D

Hey everyone. It's moi :3

How's everyone doing? It's been a while.

I just wanted to say that I'm still alive... :)

Hopefully I come up with a blog idea soon.

Tune in anywhere from now until the future XD
