Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I don't say Merry Christmas much anymore, because not everyone celebrates it, so saying Happy Holidays suits everybody, and doesn't leave anyone out. Anyway. How have you all been? Good, hopefully.

I got a tablet :D

I know it's been a short while, but it's the holiday season, been busy shopping and what-not. I have a house full of 16 people, 2 dogs, and one cat. Talk about a house full, huh? Well, I just wanted to come on here and wish everyone happiness before it ended, so I'm gonna go back and host. Adios, lovelies!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Question Time!

I completely spaced the fact that Christmas is but two days away...

Hoorah! ◕ ‿ ◕ 

Yikes.. That things creepy, isn't it? Sorry for those who are scarred D:

Anyway, I was wondering... Every day, when I look at my post viewings, it always goes up. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world...

Hehehe. Music.

If you got that, you are awesome.

Anyway, for real, I think to myself, "Gee, people actually do read my stuff? I feel so awesome now!" But then something crossed my mind. What if it's just me looking at my page..? Does it count that?

Which is why I'm going to find out.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Question time!

I've decided to do a question blog once every month, maybe twice. Maybe once a week, even, if things get flowing fast? Who knows.

But if somebody out there is reading this, please let me know somehow that you're here. It's hard to tell if people waste time reading my stuff or if its just me, going over it again and again. Which I don't do much, so it can't be me.. At least, not all of it. Right?

If you like, you can submit a question (send me an email with a question in it) to vicktortot@gmail.com. I check it everyday, so I will get to every question sent, I pinky promise.

And if you for some reason can't send me an email, I do have twitter: @tjayy_luv
You can ask me a question from there too, if you like. Doesn't matter to me, I check it too.

Well, guys, it's 2:11, so I'm gonna go chill out in my bed. Hope everyone has a good night!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hey, everybody.
So... I watched a little bit of Walking Dead this morning.
And let me tell you something...


You already know that, though.
The reason I say that is because of this:

I  think I mentioned in the last post that I wasn't a big fan of Lori, right? Yeah, well, she just earned some big respect points from me. "All you do is sit on top of the RV and work on your tan with a shotgun in your lap." Harsh, but I mean, come ON!
I take that back.. It's not harsh, it's completely true! The guys killed almost all of those Walkers. How many did she kill? She killed two. And if that's not enough, Miss Big Boy nearly killed Daryl! You tried taking the easy way out, making everyone else deal with your pain, and the mess you would've left behind. There's a REASON Dale took the gun away from you, but now I'm starting to wonder what it is.
At least when Lori took the knife away from Beth, it meant that she could at least TRY to live a happy life with her family. But you... You however, are honestly slowing the group down. And you need to be told what's up. You have NO right to tell Lori what you said, which was something along the lines of "Go ahead and tell her everything's going to be okay. Tell her that she's gonna have a great life like you, with a husband, a son, a baby on the way... A boyfriend." That was the last straw. But hey, at least Lori's not a QUITTER. The only reason you're even there is because you're a survivor, I'm sure (shockingly).
You can't shoot, but you get pissed off when people take away your gun, even though you tried to kill yourself and they have every right to do so. NO. That is not how that works. Like Lori said, the guys can handle this by themselves, you just take care of everything else. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. You've done NOTHING on either side. So you need to take your snobby, snooty buns out of Lori's face.


Moving on....

I'm gonna go watch more. Talk later


Friday, December 21, 2012


Yes, as soon as I posted here, I got up, made food, and curled up, watching the Walking Dead.

Don't hate.
I told you it was addicting.

I just finished Episode Seven of Season Two.


She turned into a damn zombie!! I'M SO PISSED!

Look at this innocent face...

Now, look at this... :'(

After those long, SEVEN episodes, you're gonna bring her back... AS A FREAKING ZOMBIE?! 
They certainly didn't lie about stretching it out, did they? 

Good lord. I'm so pissed. 
My subconscious mind saw it coming, too.

NOW what's gonna happen?

Time to ponder....
Here's the list of who I like, dislike, and have no particular feelings for at the moment, just because I can.


Why? Because he's an awesome black guy. 

Why? I didn't like him at first, I thought he was terrible just like his brother. I've grown to like him quite a bit though, because he's also done nothing but try to help at this point, and I like who he's become.

Why? With EVERYTHING he's been through, and everything he has to deal with, how can you not like him for being so brave and cool with everything? He hasn't lost it yet, at least not that I can see. With his wife almost killing their unborn child, and her cheating on him (is it technically cheating if you think your spouse is dead and need someone by your side?), he's still kept a clear head through most of it, and still leads like no other.

Why? Because he finally tells Shane what the hell is up. He demands that they don't leave until they find Sophia. And I thought that was GREAT. It killed me when I saw his face after they found her though.. D:

Why? He FINALLY stood up for himself after almost dying. I thought that was cool. And then when he stood up to Maggie? AWESOME. 

 Why? He was super brave, what I saw of him, that is.

Joe Giles (AKA Random Zombie)
 Why? Because he looks awesome! :D Have you ever seen his actual face? 
That's the actual zombie dude's face. Un-be-lieveable. 
Can someone say gorgeous?

Morgan and Duane
Why? I'm not sure, actually. I just think they're really cool :D

 Why? Yeah, he shot Carl. But he risked his life and died doing everything he could to save him. Noble, if I do say so myself. But then Shane had to be a d!ck. 


Why? Because he flipped the f*ck out, let out a dozen or more zombies, KEPT WANTING TO LEAVE before they found Sophia, and KILLED OTIS!! Dafuq bro???

Why? Ugh... Where do I begin?
First, ever since your sister died, you've been a BI-ATCH. You threw a piss fit because nobody would give you a gun. You almost KILLED not only Daryl, but THE WHOLE GANG, because gunshots attract Walkers... REALLY?

Why? Since the beginning, you've been a backstabber. You didn't even know if your husband was really dead yet or not, but what did you do? Slept with Shane. You got pissed off at Shane for telling you that Rick was dead, WHICH HE DIDN'T, and what did you do? Slept with Shane. Rick comes back, and you get pissy and tell Shane off, and then what do you do? SLEEP WITH RICK. You got PREGNANT. What did you do? TRY TO ABORT THE DAMN BABY. Need I go on? 

Why? A) He was being an ass to Rick and the gang, B) He was being racist about Glenn's Asianess, C) He tried to tell Maggie who she was and wasn't allowed to see, basically, and D) HE HID SOPHIA FROM EVERYBODY!! (I think, anyway)
 Did you know they had to wait to start the 3rd season? He got charged with a DUI. Drunk driving in Georgia... 
 That's him.

Why? MOODY. Very, very moody. I like her, then she goes and has a mood swing. I dislike her, then she makes Glenn realize that he's not "Walker Bait", as she calls him. Y U HAVE MOOD SWING?

Why? He's an asshole to everyone, plain and simple.

 Why? Abusive, ungrateful, unreliable piece of bleep.

Dr. Edwin Jenner
 Why? BECAUSE. You can't just keep somebody and make them die if they don't want to, you stupid poopy headed "doctor"!

No Particular Feelings


Why? Well, I don't dislike her, but I can't say I've seen her enough to really "like" her. The only feelings I have are sympathy because of the whole "zombie daughter" thing.

Why? Didn't get a lot of time to know her. She didn't say much...

Why? He wasn't around for long.

Well, I think I've about covered all the characters who are most important. Anyway, I'm gonna go watch some more. Don't be surprised if I post again... xD In the meantime, does anybody have any series I should look into after this one? I've already got Vampire Diaries on my list... (PLEASE somebody, suggest something more interesting!!)

Until some time later


It's the End of the World(:

Well, what do you know...

It's light outside, no meteors, no zombies, and better yet, WE'RE ALIVE!

I knew we weren't gonna die... Sheesh.

Speaking of zombies....

Like I promised, this post will be about them. Yes yes.

I know I'm behind, I only just started the series, but have any of my readers seen The Walking Dead? It's a great series, if you haven't seen it. Now, I hate hate HATE zombies with a hot, burning passion. But this series is something else... Well, not really. It's still zombies. But for some reason, I really enjoy watching this :)

Brief overview: "In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, survivors hold on to the hope of humanity by banding together to wage a fight for their own survival."
Basically, it starts out as two best friend cops, Rick and Shane, go to a scene, and a car gets stopped by the spikes they laid out, it rolls the car, and then the people get out of that car and start shooting everyone. I guess they thought they got everyone, but then, some guy crawls out and Rick gets shot in the back. He wakes up a long while later, and he discovers that zombies have begun to take over, and he has to try to survive by himself... for a while.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that, just in case you haven't seen it and want to. Oh, and that zombie up above is from The Walking Dead, I believe.

See? Even the name is AWESOME!

I think so anyway. If you haven't watched it, you really should. And if you have watched it, and are about where I am, *which is Season Two, Episode 5: Chupacabra* feel free to message me about it. We could have our own mini sessions! :D Just kidding.. Unless you want to :) It's great. It's also addicting and an emotional roller coaster. You've been warned :)

As for the Lord of the Rings... I'm not a fantasy type of person, really. Only sometimes. I'm more into mystery and thrills, and thanks to my English teacher, I'm now hooked on this.

For those of you who haven't seen it, this is the ring. Precious, if you will. xD I love Gollum. He's so creepy!

This is Gollum
He's this hobbit-thing that lives in the dark all by himself... His name used to be Smegle, but they call him Gollum because that's the sound he would make every time he swallowed (so my teacher says)

I feel lame for being behind in stuff. But hey, it is what it is.

I don't have a lot to say about LOTR, I'm only just getting through the first movie, (Fellowship of the Ring, I believe) and I'm just finishing the Hobbit (the book). I'm anxious to see the movie now.. Have any of you seen it? Is it good? :) I guess rumor has it that they're making it into three movies? That oughta be good..

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I'll post again either later on tonight, or tomorrow. More than likely tonight, though.

Bye everyone

Oh, by the way... Last time I checked, 80 pageviews :D WHOO!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Half Confession/Half Warning-Type-Thing

I am NOT talking about religion, what's right and wrong, who's God and who's not, and I'm NOT trying to be preachy, so I would certainly love it if you would not accuse me for trying to brain-wash you all. Thank you. You have been warned.

My half confession is this: I'm not exactly religious, like everyone (most of my friends) believe I am. I used to be... But I suppose you could say that I've lost faith in these past few months, possibly years? My personal point of view, I'd rather not put up here, because the last thing I want is for someone to do something... Bad? Who knows. For a while, I didn't believe there was a God. He took both my grandpa and my uncle, and almost took my dad, made my puppy sick, and to me, it didn't seem like there was any reason. But then, he goes and saves my dad's life with a tree. Yeah, my dad rolled his semi off an embankment, and he would've died if it weren't for some tree, keeping his whole semi held up. It didn't really click with me until my mom said it out loud: "He was held up by a tree? Come on, a tree can't hold up a damn semi truck." She was implying He had something to do with this.

The only reason I bring up religion by the way, is because I don't know where I stand. I was invited to a party with my friend, and it turns out, it was a church-y Christmas gathering. I think she told me it was a party because she thought I'd reject going to church.. I don't know, just an assumption. And obviously, in church, normally you pray. Well, we bowed our heads to pray, and everyone had their eyes closed, and were serious, and I just stood there, secretly watching. I didn't feel like I belonged. It was awkward, and since that night, I've been questioning myself, and everything around me. I mean, with all the chaos going on tomorrow, who knows what'll be handed to us to deal with.. 

Something to think about, if you wish to do so.

Sorry if I've offended anybody, I didn't do so intentionally, and I apologize again.

Next post will be zombies and stuff. :D I promises.

OH! And, Lord of the Rings.
I've recently begun to fangirl over it...

Okay, bye


I have issues!

I keep saying that I'll post everyday, and then as soon as I say that, I forget.


Sorry about that.

So, today is my brother's birthday, I have to get ready soon... As the big evil sister I am, I'm playing this prank on him, except with whip cream, so it's gonna be great xD

In case you can't see it, you cut a cereal box in half, blow up a balloon, tape it in so it doesn't move, cover it and decorate it like a cake, then have the "birthday person" cut it >:D

I'm so terrible, I know.

So, today is apparently the "End of the World", and what have I done?
I have been pulling pranks on my brother, playing CoD Black Ops II, Left for Dead 2, and Halo. Needless to say, I've been killed in EVERY. ONE. of these games. Multiple times. But you know what? It's the end of the world, might as well have fun with it, kick back, relax, play games while you can.

Not that I believe the world is ending. At all. But anyway, I'm quite exhausted, so I'll most definitely blog tomorrow, laughing at the people who believe the world ended.

By the way.. I did the prank. It didn't work as well as I had intended... But it still worked, and it was still hilarious.

Next year, I'm making the candles firecrackers...

The year after that, trick candles. The kind that light back up, make you run out of breath? Yeah...

If you have any ideas, message me, will ya?

A little foreshadowing for the next post: Zombies >:D

If we for some reason DON'T live, thanks to all that have read. Hope you enjoyed the little things I've done here. But if we do, which we will, until next time!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Bad, Everyone!

I only just realized that for those of you who read, I just left you on the biggest cliffhanger in the history of cliffhangers, and I apologize :(

As for what happened, well, to be short and sweet, I made it :D

The problem is this: They want to put me into acting (which is cool, no hate) but the classes are $15,000.

And that's ONLY for acting. Mom says if she's gonna shell out that much money, it might as well be for something I actually really want, ya know?

So that's the deal on that.

Oh, and something else. My friend decided to involuntarily volunteer me for the talent show....
Today were the auditions, and I'm not supposed to tell anyone anything, but I think they're giving me the closing act. Which is really, really good, apparently.


I might be in charge of getting the DJ for prom and this fitness thingy we have going on!! :D
I'm so excited. 103.3 is the best radio station out here, and I know Nathan, KeKe, Lucky, and Michele personally, so maybe they'll come DJ for the prom or something! :D


Anyway, I've just been living life. Sorry I didn't come on here in forever.. Don't know what happened. Love struck, I guess.. Hell with it xD

Thanks for tuning in, for those who do, and sorry again about the cliffhanger :/
To make it up, here's a picture (If you haven't noticed, pictures are kind of my thing now..)



Friday, November 30, 2012


So, if you read the last post, I told you about how Seattle Talent never called me back...
Well, I did what I said I would do (Thank GOD) and called them.
Here's what happened:
Her: Thank you for calling Seattle Talent, what city are you auditioning from?
Me: Boise, ID.
Her: Are you auditioning for yourself?
Me: Yes. And actually, I called a few days ago, and was told I'd get a phone call the next day, but never did.
Her: I don't know why someone would tell you that, we were supposed to send you an email.
Me: Oh, really? I didn't get one of those, either.
Her: Oh well it's tomorrow at 10:00 o' clock, at the Boise Hotel and Conference Center at 3401 Brazil Street in Boise.
Me: Okay! Thank you!
Her: It's upscale casual, and you need to bring a picture you can leave with us. Show up ten minutes early. Are you under 18?
Me: Yes.
Her: Okay, well you'll need to bring a parent/guardian with you, too.
Me: Okay!
Her: Alright, thanks for calling!
Me: No problem, thank you!

OH MY GOSH I'm shaking all over again!!!!!!!!!!
This all goes down TOMORROW. And I have no idea what I'm going to sing!

Wish me luck! I really need this in my life right now!


I Need Ideas.

I'm done with being upset, but I just can't help it. I need some advice, or some ideas to keep me occupied. Something I can do so I don't break down. Talking to Tigger has helped, but then the next day rolls around, the day itself is a tear fest, then night comes along, and I feel better, because I've talked to him. I just think it'd be a good idea if I had something to do during the day. Anyway, if you have any tips, you should email me @vicktortot@gmail.com. I could use the advice.
As for the Seattle Talent business, I've decided that I'm just going to call THEM back. They haven't said anything to me, so I'm just gonna call and see what happens. Wish me luck! :/
As you may have noticed, I have so far posted every day, so if anyone reads (which I don't know how many people do..) and you don't have gmail (which apparently is the only way to follow me) I guess that's how you'll know when I post.
Another thing: It may not seem like a lot of people, but everyday I come on here, I have more and more page views, and for the people who do and have been reading, I thank you :) I do appreciate it. I know lately I haven't had the cheeriest news or anything, but I will. I'm just going through a lot at the moment, and don't know what to do about it, so I express it here, I guess you could say. So again, thanks to those who are reading. As of today, right now, I have 53 page views. Again, may not seem like a lot, but I'm proud of myself, in a way.

And now, something that will hopefully cheer you up if you're having a bad day:

 Okay, that's probably used a lot. Pigs with boots... Meh. But here's some kitties in cups :D

Hope you all have a good day!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rough Day... :(

I've never had so much go on at once.
Last week. I had my great grandpa pass away, and last night, my great uncle passed...
I haven't come out of my room for the past 18 hours, and when I finally did come out of my room, all I did was cry.
On top of that, Seattle Talent hasn't called.
Everything is totally screwed up right now.
And, rumor has it that I like this guy at my school (who is 18 and HAS A KID), and it's completely untrue.
Ugh. Life.
Although last night, I talked to a friend of mine (who I have developed a crush on) and he made everything a lot better. We talked for 4 hours, and I completely got my mind off of the whole thing and even laughed a little. So Tigger, if you're reading this, thank you :D
I call him Tigger because he has pajamas that look just like Tigger... Minus the bouncy tail, I'm assuming.
Don't know if he likes it, but I thought it was pretty funny, and suited the situation quite well.

And get this... He likes Twilight too.. xD
Remember the guy from yesterday's post? The guy across the street?
Yeah, I found ANOTHER one.
I'm starting to wonder if guys actually do like sparkly vampires(;
Only kidding.

I know this isn't the longest post ever, but I didn't exactly leave my room often enough to tell you any spectacular news. Sorry again :(
I'm really praying things go better tomorrow than they did today.. 
Like I said, I didn't leave the house AT ALL.  Didn't go to school, anything. And when I did leave the house (to go to none other than my dead uncle's house) it didn't go well.

Hope you guys have better days than I do

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Becoming Debbie Downer..

Or Negative Nancy. Whichever is preferred.
They still haven't called..
It's a bummer. I feel like right as one of the most important things in my life comes up, my luck that has gone on for weeks decides to turn on me. Why couldn't it have turned sooner? Or later? Or not at all?
I'm trying to be positive about it, and I'm just hoping that they call sometime in the next few days, even though they told me they'd call the next day :/
And my brother... GOSH. I want to strangle him. Or somebody! Something... I can't hurt a person.
But really. I'm more than fed up. I've had it up to here!! *points to way above head*
Today has in fact SUCKED.
My computer teacher talks to me like I'm two, all because I didn't understand some dumb lesson, and he treated me like a child. I'm in high school, dude.

Oh, and guess what?
Small highlight to my day..
My parent's friends just moved in across the street, and they have a SUPER fine boy.
The only problem is that he's extremely tall, skinny, good looking, and is a football player.
He's legitimately 6'5 or something like that.
The problem part, is I'm the exact opposite of all of that.
Did I mention he's really tall, too?
Well, I just found something in common with him, and the only words I've ever spoken to him are "Hi".
I found out that this guy is a HE-UGE Twilight fan.
Not gonna lie, I'm not really big with Twilight, but I like the story line.

Here's how it went down: His parents came over to do laundry because their dryer broke. And my room is right by the laundry room, so when you walk in, the first thing you see is my door. Well, as of now, I have a poster of Bella from the Twilight premiere on my door (it's glass, that's how you can see it), and when his dad looked at it, he's all, "You like Twilight?" So I said, "Yeah, I went to the premiere to see the new one." "Oh, that's awesome! Tyler and I love Twilight! We watch it whenever we can. If we're sick for like, a week, we'll watch it over and over and over. He's seen them all over a hundred times, except for the last two." My face at this point is a cross between surprise and trying not to laugh.. So, something like this: 

And we keep on talking about this, and I thought he was messing with me, but then I showed him my V.I.P. pass, and he says, "Oh my gosh! I wish I could've gone! Tyler's gonna flip when he sees this! Honey, take a picture!" And she turns around to take a picture, and in my head, all I can think is, "Are you serious?" Then they went home. I haven't heard what he thought of the picture, but I've finally got motivation to clean my room... Just in case he, uh, decides to see what else I got from the premiere... I thought it was pretty cool, though. I don't know any guys who truly like Twilight, so it kinda made my day. Pathetic, maybe, but I don't care. I still enjoyed it.

I'm sorry this post was mostly me complaining... Tomorrow will be better, at least that's what I'm hoping for. I won't complain tomorrow.. I'll try not to anywho(:

I hope everyone else had a better day and has a better night!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mehh... :(

Day Four.
Once again, supposed to be cleaning my room.
Once again, not happening.
I'm too bummed...
Seattle Talent has yet to call... I figured they'd have done so by now.

How I wish I felt about this:

How I'm feeling on the inside:

Doesn't that just make you want to cry? :(

It's only six o'clock.. The night is young. 

And besides, if I for some reason don't make it, I'll just say

But hopefully, there won't be a need for that. 

I'm super tired today.. I fell asleep in class, too, so I don't know why. :/
For those of you who read, keep on reading! I should have much more interesting news tomorrow!
For those of you who don't, DO!
Keep your fingers crossed for the audition! Pray that Seattle Talent calls!

Night, everyone

Monday, November 26, 2012

Busy Day!

Day Three(:
Ya know, I find it funny that I can keep up on a blog, but I can hardly keep up on keeping my room clean..
Which is actually what I'm supposed to be doing right now.. But today has been much too hectic to concentrate on cleaning.
For one thing, school just started back up. I was much more energetic than usual.. And happy, for some reason.
Then, after school got out, my lovely friend Maleesa text me, saying, "Hey, you should call this number 855-903-6900 you can audition for a tv show or become a singer." I thought to myself, "This is a scam to raise people's dreams, I bet." But thankfully, I called it anyway, just to see what it was about. Turns out, it just so happens to be Seattle Talent. When I heard that, I started freaking out and getting the shakes. Finally, a girl picks up. This is how it went down:
Her: "Where is it you want to audition from?"
Me: "Uhh.. Meridian, Idaho?"
Her: "Okay, just one minute."
Her: "You mean Idaho Falls?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Her: "I don't have anywhere in Idaho."
Me: *silence*
Her: *silence*
Me: "Do you have anywhere near here?"
Her: *silence*
Her: I've got a place on blah blah blah *gives address to place*.
Me: "Oh, that's perfect!"
Her: "How old are you?"
Me: "14."
Her: "Okay, well, we'll need a parent's permission and information."
Me: "Okay!"
Her: "Name?"
Me: *tells her my mom's name*
Her: "Phone number?"
Me: *tells her phone number*
Her: "Okay, I'll have them call her and schedule your appointment!"
Me: "When do you think they'll be calling?"
Her: "Probably tomorrow."
Me: "Awesome! Thank you so much!"
Her: Yeah, no problem!"

And that was that..
It was spectacular. Now, my dreams will at least have a start at becoming true!!
You have no idea how truly excited I am...
And then, literally ten minutes after this phone call and my flipping out, I find out that my band (We're really just a bunch of friends who happen to play instruments needed to be in a band) got a gig!!

Today has been such a great day. These past few weeks have been spectacular. I'm so grateful for everything I have in life right now(:

What's been going on with you lately? Message me, let me know how you've been doing?
Bye, Lovlies


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Update, Maybe?

I got a question from myself that I'm sure people are wondering:
Why did I call my blog Dream Studios?
I have two answers.
A) It sounded cool.
B) I'm a dreamer, and I want other people like myself to be able to call this place home.

About this post.. Considering I've only made one previous entry, I'm not sure what it is I'm updating.
But I do have a question... Or two...

How do you define a dream?

How many of you have/ have had dreams?

Not dreams like when you're sleeping, exactly, but dreams that you make up in your head?

I have a few. Then again, I probably define the word dream differently than you do.
To me, the word dream isn't just a word. For me, it's more of a goal, something I have to achieve, or I'll never rest. For example.. One of my biggest dreams, since I was a little girl, was to become a famous singer. There was never a time when I wasn't singing, humming, la-la-la-ing, and so on and so forth.
And when I sang, I always thought I made people happy. So I thought, I should make everyone happy!
Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that you can never make everyone happy. But I didn't let that stop me!

Okay, for a few years, maybe I did.
I dropped the singing thing because I thought nobody cared, and being a "detective" seemed to be much more popular in school than singing, so I resorted to that.
Didn't work out as planned..

So, I joined choir, hoping maybe I could get somewhere. Ended up getting the solo for a play we were doing, and when it was announced, everyone became curious as to how I sounded, because I never sang in front of them. See, I had really bad stage fright..

The night of the play, everyone was super excited because we had been practicing for months and what-not.
Then came the moment I had to sing my solo. I was the last person to sing their solo, and everyone just watched as I stood up there, waiting for my turn.

When it finally came to me, I guess you could say I blacked out. I don't remember singing at all, whatsoever. I remember taking a deep breath, and that's when everything became a blur.
Whenever I finally came back, though, everyone was clapping and cheering, and today, my mom's words exactly are this, and I quote:

"When you started singing, everyone's mouths dropped open, some gasped, and other people looked around, asking who's kid that was. Everyone thought you were great." 

I thought she was joking until the other kids' parents started coming up to me, saying I did a great job.

Years later, I ended up losing faith in myself once again, repeatedly telling myself, "You're crazy, you could never be famous, and you suck at singing."

Then I got pushed to sing at my mom's best friend's wedding, and being that I had never sung in public in for EVER, I was extremely nervous. And when I get nervous, I get a weird combination of the laugh-cries.

So as the music to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera came on, I did my little nervous laugh cry thing, then once again, blacked out.

When I came back, everyone was quiet, other than babies running around and crying. Then I got a standing ovation from the table who had been wasted and singing showtunes all that day, and one of them said to me, "Well, I was going to sing, but my confidence level just went down really low!"
The girls at that table came up and asked if I would sing a few songs with them.
And my own mother came to me and said she didn't realize it was me..
My uncle, who I talk to the most about wanting to become famous, came up to me with tears in his eyes and told me "You're ready."

For some reason, ever since that day, I've been much more positive, optimistic, whatever you wanna call it, I push myself to do what I want/need to do. And I strive to make my dreams come true.

Like I said before, I will not let anything bring me down ever again. I'm going to the top, making it there, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm staying there.

Moral of the story: Never give up on yourself.. Believe in not only yourself, but your dreams. If you believe you can, you will. And I can't tell you how many times I've heard that, and how cliche it is, but it's 100% true.

Funniest thing about this whole post...
I haven't even gotten close to where I want to be yet.
But I know I can do it.

Ta ta, for now, readers.

Introducing... Me!(:

Hello to everyone reading my ramblings!
It's nice to meet you.
My name is Victoria(:, I'm a girl with a big dream, and I plan on fulfilling those dreams, no matter what it takes.

(To be blunt, I'm planning on making it somewhere in the world. I'm becoming famous, and nothing is going to stop me, but we'll get more into that later on.)

Oh, and my favorite color is blue.

You may be thinking or wondering, "What did you make a blog for?" or, "This is stupid and boring, and taking up my time and space, rah rah rah."

Well, a few days ago, my friend was talking about how she had an extremely pointless (but hilarious) blog, and as she was going on about it, it got me thinking; "Why don't I have a blog? Better yet, what is a blog?"

So I looked it up. The technical definition of a blog: A web site on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis. The definition my friend gave me (and I quote): "Basically, it's a place where you can write whatever you want and tell the world, "You're going to f***ing listen to me!"

(I can see where she comes from...)

So I decided, why not try it out? It might be fun, and it'll give people the chance to get to know you, who you really are, blah blah blah. And that's exactly what I'm doing.

Now, I just started this whole blogging business, so if you have any tips (if there's a way, that is), I would be more than happy to hear what you have to say. As well as questions you want to ask, whatever.

Whoever may be reading this, I hope you keep on reading! You won't be disappointed, I promise.
Bye!! Torie(:

(P.S. If you're interested, the friend that I mentioned earlier is here, too, @ fangirleverything.blogspot.com)