Sunday, November 25, 2012

Update, Maybe?

I got a question from myself that I'm sure people are wondering:
Why did I call my blog Dream Studios?
I have two answers.
A) It sounded cool.
B) I'm a dreamer, and I want other people like myself to be able to call this place home.

About this post.. Considering I've only made one previous entry, I'm not sure what it is I'm updating.
But I do have a question... Or two...

How do you define a dream?

How many of you have/ have had dreams?

Not dreams like when you're sleeping, exactly, but dreams that you make up in your head?

I have a few. Then again, I probably define the word dream differently than you do.
To me, the word dream isn't just a word. For me, it's more of a goal, something I have to achieve, or I'll never rest. For example.. One of my biggest dreams, since I was a little girl, was to become a famous singer. There was never a time when I wasn't singing, humming, la-la-la-ing, and so on and so forth.
And when I sang, I always thought I made people happy. So I thought, I should make everyone happy!
Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that you can never make everyone happy. But I didn't let that stop me!

Okay, for a few years, maybe I did.
I dropped the singing thing because I thought nobody cared, and being a "detective" seemed to be much more popular in school than singing, so I resorted to that.
Didn't work out as planned..

So, I joined choir, hoping maybe I could get somewhere. Ended up getting the solo for a play we were doing, and when it was announced, everyone became curious as to how I sounded, because I never sang in front of them. See, I had really bad stage fright..

The night of the play, everyone was super excited because we had been practicing for months and what-not.
Then came the moment I had to sing my solo. I was the last person to sing their solo, and everyone just watched as I stood up there, waiting for my turn.

When it finally came to me, I guess you could say I blacked out. I don't remember singing at all, whatsoever. I remember taking a deep breath, and that's when everything became a blur.
Whenever I finally came back, though, everyone was clapping and cheering, and today, my mom's words exactly are this, and I quote:

"When you started singing, everyone's mouths dropped open, some gasped, and other people looked around, asking who's kid that was. Everyone thought you were great." 

I thought she was joking until the other kids' parents started coming up to me, saying I did a great job.

Years later, I ended up losing faith in myself once again, repeatedly telling myself, "You're crazy, you could never be famous, and you suck at singing."

Then I got pushed to sing at my mom's best friend's wedding, and being that I had never sung in public in for EVER, I was extremely nervous. And when I get nervous, I get a weird combination of the laugh-cries.

So as the music to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera came on, I did my little nervous laugh cry thing, then once again, blacked out.

When I came back, everyone was quiet, other than babies running around and crying. Then I got a standing ovation from the table who had been wasted and singing showtunes all that day, and one of them said to me, "Well, I was going to sing, but my confidence level just went down really low!"
The girls at that table came up and asked if I would sing a few songs with them.
And my own mother came to me and said she didn't realize it was me..
My uncle, who I talk to the most about wanting to become famous, came up to me with tears in his eyes and told me "You're ready."

For some reason, ever since that day, I've been much more positive, optimistic, whatever you wanna call it, I push myself to do what I want/need to do. And I strive to make my dreams come true.

Like I said before, I will not let anything bring me down ever again. I'm going to the top, making it there, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm staying there.

Moral of the story: Never give up on yourself.. Believe in not only yourself, but your dreams. If you believe you can, you will. And I can't tell you how many times I've heard that, and how cliche it is, but it's 100% true.

Funniest thing about this whole post...
I haven't even gotten close to where I want to be yet.
But I know I can do it.

Ta ta, for now, readers.

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