Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mehh... :(

Day Four.
Once again, supposed to be cleaning my room.
Once again, not happening.
I'm too bummed...
Seattle Talent has yet to call... I figured they'd have done so by now.

How I wish I felt about this:

How I'm feeling on the inside:

Doesn't that just make you want to cry? :(

It's only six o'clock.. The night is young. 

And besides, if I for some reason don't make it, I'll just say

But hopefully, there won't be a need for that. 

I'm super tired today.. I fell asleep in class, too, so I don't know why. :/
For those of you who read, keep on reading! I should have much more interesting news tomorrow!
For those of you who don't, DO!
Keep your fingers crossed for the audition! Pray that Seattle Talent calls!

Night, everyone

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