Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fashion Complaints

I can't help it. I have to say how I feel about this.

Floral prints...

Who is the (insert insulting word here) who invented it? I will say, some, SOME of it, looks OKAY. Infact.. Not even some! VERY LITTLE floral print clothing looks attractive. I CAN'T STAND IT.

Dresses... Okay, whatever. Just so long as it's not over bearing.
Skirts... Mehh...
Shoes... I personally wouldn't wear them, but some of them are okay.
And then there's the jeans and the shirts....

Dear lord..

I'll show you what I mean...

 In this picture:

I would most definitely wear 3 and 4. Maybe on 2 and 6. I think the one on the right is pretty cute...
THIS is what I'm talking about. And you know what? This is about the most popular as of now!! I don't know if it's just me, but I don't find these attractive at all. Seriously. Oh, and wait for it....
BAM! Floral skinny jeans. I'm not a fan of skinny jeans to begin with  (especially since guys started wearing them... WTF...) But these?? Come on... This screams ridiculous, to me. 

Okay, I lied. The first pair is actually tolerable. I'd wear them with a pink or white top or something. But I'm talking about the rest of them!
These, on the other hand... I would wear them. They're nice, and simple. 

So, yes. I'm shocked that I've got such an opinion... I mean, maybe it's because they're dresses, but my usual outfit is a pair of jeans, ratty old shoes, and your average t-shirt.

My question for you is this: What are your do's and don'ts when it comes to fashion? I'd like to know, if you'd like to share.

On that note, I'm headin' out. TTYL :)


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