Monday, November 26, 2012

Busy Day!

Day Three(:
Ya know, I find it funny that I can keep up on a blog, but I can hardly keep up on keeping my room clean..
Which is actually what I'm supposed to be doing right now.. But today has been much too hectic to concentrate on cleaning.
For one thing, school just started back up. I was much more energetic than usual.. And happy, for some reason.
Then, after school got out, my lovely friend Maleesa text me, saying, "Hey, you should call this number 855-903-6900 you can audition for a tv show or become a singer." I thought to myself, "This is a scam to raise people's dreams, I bet." But thankfully, I called it anyway, just to see what it was about. Turns out, it just so happens to be Seattle Talent. When I heard that, I started freaking out and getting the shakes. Finally, a girl picks up. This is how it went down:
Her: "Where is it you want to audition from?"
Me: "Uhh.. Meridian, Idaho?"
Her: "Okay, just one minute."
Her: "You mean Idaho Falls?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Her: "I don't have anywhere in Idaho."
Me: *silence*
Her: *silence*
Me: "Do you have anywhere near here?"
Her: *silence*
Her: I've got a place on blah blah blah *gives address to place*.
Me: "Oh, that's perfect!"
Her: "How old are you?"
Me: "14."
Her: "Okay, well, we'll need a parent's permission and information."
Me: "Okay!"
Her: "Name?"
Me: *tells her my mom's name*
Her: "Phone number?"
Me: *tells her phone number*
Her: "Okay, I'll have them call her and schedule your appointment!"
Me: "When do you think they'll be calling?"
Her: "Probably tomorrow."
Me: "Awesome! Thank you so much!"
Her: Yeah, no problem!"

And that was that..
It was spectacular. Now, my dreams will at least have a start at becoming true!!
You have no idea how truly excited I am...
And then, literally ten minutes after this phone call and my flipping out, I find out that my band (We're really just a bunch of friends who happen to play instruments needed to be in a band) got a gig!!

Today has been such a great day. These past few weeks have been spectacular. I'm so grateful for everything I have in life right now(:

What's been going on with you lately? Message me, let me know how you've been doing?
Bye, Lovlies
