Friday, November 30, 2012


So, if you read the last post, I told you about how Seattle Talent never called me back...
Well, I did what I said I would do (Thank GOD) and called them.
Here's what happened:
Her: Thank you for calling Seattle Talent, what city are you auditioning from?
Me: Boise, ID.
Her: Are you auditioning for yourself?
Me: Yes. And actually, I called a few days ago, and was told I'd get a phone call the next day, but never did.
Her: I don't know why someone would tell you that, we were supposed to send you an email.
Me: Oh, really? I didn't get one of those, either.
Her: Oh well it's tomorrow at 10:00 o' clock, at the Boise Hotel and Conference Center at 3401 Brazil Street in Boise.
Me: Okay! Thank you!
Her: It's upscale casual, and you need to bring a picture you can leave with us. Show up ten minutes early. Are you under 18?
Me: Yes.
Her: Okay, well you'll need to bring a parent/guardian with you, too.
Me: Okay!
Her: Alright, thanks for calling!
Me: No problem, thank you!

OH MY GOSH I'm shaking all over again!!!!!!!!!!
This all goes down TOMORROW. And I have no idea what I'm going to sing!

Wish me luck! I really need this in my life right now!


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